The Mpower Blog

A Category Management Blog

A Community of Practice devoted to ideas that you can use

As you know, we try and stay away from fads and labels and hopefully this doesn’t turn into one.  Future Proofing is a term that is starting to gain some traction and I decided that it was a vary apt description for our latest research publication that was just released:  Future Proof your Organization: Challenges, [...]
Author: TMG Admin
Posted: September 5, 2024, 11:59 am
Since this is the start of Labor Day weekend (in the US), we thought we would delay our really serious blog post that we had planned.  We hope you have a safe holiday weekend with friends and loved ones.
Author: TMG Admin
Posted: August 29, 2024, 2:34 pm
If you consider your Procurement organization to be World-Class then you are no doubt implementing, or at a minimum, researching new technology like RPA (Robotic Process Automation) or AI (Artificial Intelligence) or “not so new” technology like Procure-to-Pay or Source-To-Settle applications such as Coupa, Sage, etc.  These solutions can go a long way in helping [...]
Author: Anne Kohler
Posted: August 22, 2024, 1:00 pm
While I won’t share my top 5 today, I will share one of them that MUST be in everyone’s top 5 to move to Category Management or they may not know what they speak of and that is a High Performance Leadership Team (HPLT). The Leadership Team (LT) of the function must be operating at [...]
Author: Dalip Raheja
Posted: August 1, 2024, 8:03 pm
The number one biggest issue a Procurement organization has as it moves up the maturity model is internal stakeholder resistance.  This is true, by the way for any shared service organization that is trying to make a fundamental change in the way they work. We often find that misaligned metrics and the absence of “the [...]
Author: Anne Kohler
Posted: July 25, 2024, 3:50 pm